I’m not a Complicated person. I believe in simplicity.

~ Disha Patani

I Believe in Keeping it simple.

The KISS principle.

~ William Winnie

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William Winnie

“The Tax Man”

  • Is an Enrolled Agent authorized to practice before the Internal Revenue Service. A veteran of nearly 30 years as an IRS auditor of small businesses and self employed individuals, he is very familiar with IRS regulations and audit procedures and is well qualified to represent clients who have been contacted by the IRS.

  • Served 5 years with one of the nation's largest income tax return preparation companies with their highest individual preparer rating. During that time, he consistently received the highest possible ratings and numerous positive comments from customers who responded to surveys about their tax preparation experience.

  • Has completed a professional Quickbooks training program in 2018 and 2019 versions.

  • Is dedicated to the old-fashioned business standard that the Customer is the most important part of any business, especially ours.

What we Do

  • We treat each customer as an individual, taking the time to get to know them and assess how we can best help with their unique challenges.

  • No task is too small to deserve detailed attention, or so large that cutting corners is an acceptable option.

  • No “Up Front” fees – ever! Your satisfaction is our most important goal.

  • We handle all levels of bookkeeping services, from as simple as a check register to complex financial statements. We customize each account to meet the individual customer's needs.

  • We prepare individual and business tax returns for very competitive rates that include assistance with responding to any notices or letters the IRS may send you regarding your return.

  • We represent clients before the IRS in dealing with everything from a simple inquiry to a full audit.

  • We offer general business advice on a wide variety of topics useful to everyone - starting a new business. expanding an existing business, incorporating, adding one or more partners, or the even the possible benefits of downsizing a business.

  • The initial consultation is free and covers the general operation of the business, recordkeeping, and tax matters.

What services we offer

Tax services

  • Our tax return preparation services are second to none – reasonable rates, and your return is prepared personally by an individual with over 30 years tax experience who takes the time to do a thorough interview to gather all the information necessary to prepare a complete and accurate return. Included at no additional fee with every return is assistance with responding to any inquiries from the IRS relating to your return. If you prefer, we can provide representation by an Enrolled Agent so you don't have to deal with the IRS. Rates are reasonable, and are payable only when the service is completed – not in advance!

  • We offer a free review of your current and two previous filed tax returns prepared by someone else, business and/or personal. If we find a way to improve the results, we would be delighted to assist you with amending the return.

  • Received an IRS notice or letter? Please bring it to us – we will be happy to take a look at it and advise you what to do – FREE! If you would like us to handle it for you, we will! While we cannot guarantee positive results, we will ensure that your rights as a taxpayer are protected, and we will take every available step to obtain the best possible result.

Bookkeeping services

Our bookkeeping services are individually designed for each client. Every individual and situation is unique, SO WE WILL TAKE THE TIME TO DISCUSS everything WITH YOU to determine WHAT IS BEST FOR YOUr situation. There is no charge for the initial meeting to assess your requirements.

  • “The absolute minimum” - At this level, we are maintaining a check register – tracking money in and out of a single account. This is best suited for keeping records on a personal bank account.

  • “Just the basics” - A bare bones recording of income and expenses using a minimal number of accounts. This is sufficient for a very small business or as a summary for a more involved business.

  • “General Bookkeeping” - The standard for small to midsized businesses, this produces periodic financial reports for internal and external uses. Typically presents income by source and expenses by significant categories.

  • “Advanced Bookkeeping” - More detailed tracking for larger businesses or those with multiple divisions or locations or product lines. Will provide reports by division or location or product line as well as summary reports for the business as a whole.

  • “The Ultimate” - Designed for multiple levels of departments in multiple locations, this level of accounting will enable all levels of management to evaluate the financial aspects of their respective departments and also provides an overview of the entire business. An essential tool for upper management in determining the future of the business.

Audit Services


You open your mailbox and find a letter from

the IRS......

It's time to call ..

William the Tax Man!!!

A veteran of nearly 30 years as an IRS auditor and 5 years preparing returns with a nationwide tax preparation company, William is highly qualified to deal with IRS inquiries of all kinds – from a simple inquiry to a full audit. In most cases, the IRS is simply asking for confirmation of something on the return, or a little more information. Perhaps there is something in the IRS records that doesn't match your return. Perhaps it is the most feared IRS experience – the Audit. Or perhaps someone filed a return using your name and number. Each of those scenarios can create a problem for you if not handled properly. William has handled each of these many times. While we cannot guarantee any specific results, we will make sure that every possibility has been explored and the most positive result possible achieved. It all starts with a FREE consultation – bring us the letter, and we will review it and explain what it means and what response need to be made. Whatever the situation, we can act as your Representative in dealing with the IRS if you prefer.