"Few of us ever test our powers of deduction, except when filling out an income tax form.''

~ Laurence J. Peter, author


Tax Services

  • Our tax return preparation services are second to none – reasonable rates, and your return is prepared personally by an individual with over 30 years tax experience who takes the time to do a thorough interview to gather all the information necessary to prepare a complete and accurate return. Included at no additional fee with every return is assistance with responding to any inquiries from the IRS relating to your return. If you prefer, we can provide representation by an Enrolled Agent so you don't have to deal with the IRS. Rates are reasonable, and are payable only when the service is completed – not in advance!

  • We offer a free review of your current and two previous filed tax returns prepared by someone else, business and/or personal. If we find a way to improve the results, we would be delighted to assist you with amending the return.

  • Received an IRS notice or letter? Please bring it to us – we will be happy to take a look at it and advise you what to do – FREE! If you would like us to handle it for you, we will! While we cannot guarantee positive results, we will ensure that your rights as a taxpayer are protected, and we will take every available step to obtain the best possible result.


What came first the chicken or the IRS?

Well by bringing your taxes to the Tax Man you will have more time to contemplate these profound questions


Personal taxes

We handle all kinds of Tax Preparation

Buying or Selling a property? Buying or Selling a house, Have Mineral Rights? Running a Farm or Ranch?

All of these and more can be a nightmare to deal with.

The Tax Man

has you covered!


Business Taxes

We handle all kinds of Business Tax Preparation

Own a small Business? Own a large Business? Own a producing Farm or Ranch?

Hassles all of them, but guess what?

The Tax Man

has you covered!